Pricing plans

Due Diligence Done

Eliminate hours of diligence work for a fraction of the cost

Our Starter plan is enough to give you a sense of risk types and ways to make change. Users get access to the most basic information needed to assess risk, and can always upgrade when they get tired of doing the work manually.
1 User
Unlimited Technologies
Company Grade
Data Deletion Link
Data Access Link
Risk to Children
Get started
Our human-in-the-loop Snapshot report allows users to generate a one-time PDF report of data privacy risk signals relevant to understanding the risk each vendor poses to your client. All reports delivered within 5-10 business days.
Everything in Starter
Vendor Inventory
Enforcement Actions
Data Breach Archive
Data Broker Status
Data Center Locations
Security Certifications
Policies & Notices
Contact Information
Global Benchmark Reports
Get started
Starting at $1,500/mon, contact for volume pricing
Our Co-Pilot platform includes volume-based Snapshot pricing plus tools that augment and automate the complex, redundant admin and ops workflows every privacy pro has to manage but would be better off if they didn't have to.
Everything in Snapshot
Volume-Based Pricing
Incident Response Workflows
Law & Framework Tracker
Industry-Specific Benchmarking
Priority Support
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Have questions? Check our FAQ section
Reduced Pricing

Pricing For Public Benefit Purposes

As part of our mission to increase data literacy and promote safety online we offer free or reduced pricing to non-profit and educational organizations, based on their needs and desired use of the product. If you fit this profile, reach out to us to learn more.

Compare plans

Basic Contact Info
One-time PDF Report
Call Us
Snapshots + Ops Automation
Third-Party Risk Signals
Snapshot Volume
150/year minimum
Submit Technologies for Review
Links to Public Profiles
Data Deletion & Access Links
Child Safety Info
Contact Information
White-Labeled Reports
Policies & Notices
Security Certifications
Enforcement Actions
Data Center Locations
Data Breach Activity
Data Broker Status
Vendor Inventory
Alternative Vendor Suggestions
Platform Ecosystem
Data Pro Marketplace Profile
Qualified Lead Referral Fee
Global Benchmark Reports
Industry-Specific Benchmark Reports
Incident Response Workflows
Law & Framework Tracker
Support Category
Help & FAQ
Email Support
Video Call Support
Priority Support
Are you looking to analyze 1,000 or more vendors? Contact Us
We also have special pricing for Educational and Non-Profit Organizations

Ready to get started? Create an account today

Frequently asked questions

We get asked a lot about what our platform does and how it can help. Find questions below, ordered by popularity.

How does volume-based pricing work for Snapshot?

Volume based pricing is available for the Co-Pilot platform users only. It requires a minimum of 10 Snapshots/month and is billed based on the volume of snapshots you pull each month. Contact us to learn more about the volume tiers we have available.

Is DataGrade free?

DataGrade has the starter package to help teams of all sizes orchestrate their work. Our Free plan is available to teams for no charge and provides the key building blocks to help you understand risk. The Free plan is free forever and is formulated for small teams or those with lightweight needs. Our paid plans offer additional power and scale for teams with more complex needs.

What are my payment options

All payments are made via credit card for Snapshot and Monitored plans. We require credit card entry on all plans to verify that you are, in fact, a human rather than reCaptcha system which is frequently spoofed by bots.

What PII does DataGrade contain?

DataGrade contains little to no PII in the entire system. Our goal in building this was to avoid PII as much as possible. Occasionally we pick up the email address of a Data Protection Officer or other point of contact in the company but generally speaking that's it. We don't pursue PII and do our best to eliminate it from our system immediately, if we do find any.

Do I need to use my personal email address to sign up for an account?

We do currently require your email address to request access but once you get to our application layer you can sign up without us ever knowing your email address in the app itself.

What's the difference between the Snapshot and Co-Pilot pricing plans?

A Snapshot is a one-time PDF report you can request at any volume you desire at $149/report. If anything changes in the next two, three or six months, you don't receive notice of those changes unless you pull another report.

Co-Pilot packaging was invented when we had pros coming to us saying I know we're going to need at least 600 of these reports each year but I don't buy all at once and I want volume pricing, what can you do? The purpose of the Co-Pilot package is to help scale your operations while also providing additional value with enhanced platform features and benefits.

Does DataGrade require Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)?

Yes, we require it both of our team and of our system. You will notice we do password-less login, which some may find to be a hassle but we believe to be better for your own privacy and security. And yes, that means every time you log in you will have to retrieve an access code from your email to authenticate you are the correct person logging in. No, there is no other option and we're not planning to add one anytime soon.

How does DataGrade have such a robust database of enforcement actions?

We aggregate enforcement actions from various sources around the web and merge them into a unified database. Seeing as most governments are not very tech savvy, most of the time this means our team is extracting CSVs from government websites and reformatting them to fit our system, sometimes these are news stories we read in the headlines and aggregate as well.

How does DataGrade have so many data breaches in its database?

Similar to enforcement actions, we aggregate data breaches from various sources around the web and merge them into a unified database. Sometimes this means we pull them from an API, sometimes our team is extracting CSVs from government websites and reformatting them to fit our system, sometimes these are new stories we read in the headlines and aggregate.

Still have questions?

Didn't answer your questions on the site or in the FAQ? Reach out direct to learn more.