What Is A DataGrade?

A DataGrade is a score that examines the relational risk and value between data transactions online, tracking those relationships over the life cycle of data within each ecosystem. 

A DataGrade helps reveal a growing number of risk and value dimensions, including...
Where data comes from?
How it is acquired and aggregated?
What internal or external parties have access to the data? 
How is it used and protected? 
Where does the data go and how is it used and handled as it moves through networks?

Our database is designed to systematically discover, aggregate and evaluate a growing number of data libraries including corporate information, enforcement actions, historical data breaches, consumer complaints, media reports, and other contextual metrics that allow us to summarize and benchmark the risk any one organization poses to its vendors, customers, and other stakeholders.

Our DataGrade ensures consumers have a simple way to understand the risk and value of the tools they use every day, companies have a standardized industry metric to benchmark their risk exposures against, and governments have a simple way to ensure industry players operate with integrity and safety without needing overly prescriptive legislation that harms innovation.

What Data Is Involved?

Like any iceberg, there's only so much you can understand about a company on the surface. However, that's where we start, and over time the information evolves through enhancements to our database, user interactions, and external submissions. The data in our system includes a mixture of public information, third-party data, and first-party data. The highest form of validity is when a company maintains their own report card.